1956:  “Boots” Wagonheim spearheads the acquisition of The Parkway, and re-brands it as an art-house theater called “The 5-West”.


1957:  Develops 6 acres at (6300) York Road and Gittings Avenue, a neighborhood community strip center anchored by A&P Grocery Store.  The shopping center is redeveloped nearly 50 years later, and is now known as Gittings Marketplace.


1959:  Purchases 26 acres in Baltimore County at the corner of Ridgley and York Roads, and develops Baltimore’s first shopping center on York Road located outside the Beltway.  The shopping center will be named Yorkridge Shopping Center after the two streets for which it is situated -York and Ridgely Roads.


1959:  Opens Maryland’s first FM-stereo radio station, which was an experimental station designated as W3XMB, and later began licensed operation as WITH-FM, later known as WBSB (B104 FM).